COVID-19 hit European citizens and the economy very hard. Today, Europe is facing an unprecedented economic shock. Governments are taking bold steps to alleviate negative impacts on society and to prevent a collapse of the economy. Europe is facing a recession and the EU and Member States are developing measures aimed at longer-term economic recovery.

The economic measures currently being developed are much needed in the fight against the health and economic crises provoked by the coronavirus. However, they also represent an opportunity for EU Member States to address both the economic and climate crises by putting the transition to climate neutrality at the heart of these recovery measures.

This media briefing discusses how economic recovery packages can support the early transition to low carbon economies in Europe. In addition, it looks into the EU’s Long Term Strategy, the coherence between the EU’s and Member States’ national Long Term Strategies and how the ambition level of these strategies can be increased with sustainable stimulus packages, aimed at achieving the Paris Agreement goals.

You can download the briefing here : EU and National Long Term Strategies