Stepping up climate ambition in the upcoming NECPs revision – 5 final recommendations from the Unify consortium

Today, the Unify consortium publishes “Taking Stock & Planning Ahead: National Energy and Climate Plans as a tool to achieve climate safety and energy security“ To do its fair and science-based share under the Paris Agreement, the EU must reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by at least 65% by 2030 and achieve net-zero emissions by […]

REPORT: Key recommendations to strengthen and improve EU Effort Sharing Regulation

The LIFE Unify consortium published a report titled “Implementing the Effort Sharing Regulation at the National Level: Lessons learned and recommendations from the LIFE Unify project“. The report provides recommendations on how to strengthen and improve the revised regulation based on the experiences collected at the national level. Based on the experiences collected by the […]

Transport sector needs stronger targets and better harmonised policies to achieve climate neutrality

Transport emissions in the EU’s Member States keep rising. If the EU is serious about achieving the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C objective, European transport policies must radically change. The report, published today by the Unify project partners, assesses transport policies of the EU and five of its member States, and makes recommendations to bring transport policies in line with the Paris Agreement.

NECP Tracker reveals: the EU needs better plans to implement the enhanced climate and energy targets

Comprehensive revision and implementation of Member States’ National Energy and Climate Plans (NECP) will play a key role in achieving higher climate and energy ambition in the EU by 2030. While NECPs still need to be updated in order to be aligned with and implement the EU’s higher climate and energy ambition, it is still […]

Action on energy poverty lacking in the EU, an analysis of 6 national plans reveals

New analysis of national plans, policies and measures in six Central and Eastern European countries, reveals inadequate action to tackle energy poverty. The report, prepared by NGOs and researchers across Europe, finds that Croatia, Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia have failed to provide a clear definition of energy poverty in their national plans, a […]

BRIEFING : How can the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) support the fight against climate change?

The new briefing published by the Unify project partners across Europe underlines the importance of a climate- friendly Common Agriculture Policy to ensure that the agriculture sector contributes to the objectives of the European Green Deal and the EU’s commitments under the Paris Agreement. This document, coming out during the trialogue negotiations between the European Commission, the Parliament and the Council, assesses the weaknesses of the current CAP and explains what needs to happen for the new CAP reform to contribute to the EU’s climate ambition.

BRIEFING: National Climate and Energy Plans: Building block for implementing the EU’s increased climate ambition

This briefing paper describes how Member States’ National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) can contribute to increased climate action in the EU. The briefing builds upon the report previously published by CAN Europe and ZERO covering opportunities and gaps in 15 Member States’ NECPs, and assesses the final Bulgarian, German and Irish NECPs.

National Energy and Climate Plans must still be improved to be in line with the Paris Agreement

A new report published today by the Unify project partners, Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe and ZERO, looks into the final National energy and Climate Plans of 15 Member States and indicates that a number of countries made some improvements in their final NECPs, both in terms of targets and of policies and measures. However, these improvements are not enough to catalyse the energy transition required to achieve the long term objective of the Paris Agreement.