On Wednesday 24th February 2021, 35 participants from municipalities, energy and development agencies, public administration, business and NGOs participated in the workshop “The role of municipalities in the implementation of the national energy and climate plan”.
Representative from Centre for energy efficiency, Institute Jožef Stefan (actor responsible for preparation of NECP) presented concrete measures from the Slovenian NECP where increased activity from municipalities is expected. Hereinafter representative from Goriška Local Energy Agency introduced key steps for municipalities in the process of preparation of SECAPs. In the final session representative of Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy presented existing and future possibilities for financing measures proposed in NECP with particular emphasis on action at local level.
Through discussion and presentations we concluded that municipalities have to take the lead role in the transition to a low carbon society. We agreed that capacity building is the first and basic step for sustainable resource management, employees are the key link to success. Resource management technology alone is not enough. It is recommended that municipalities establish regional and municipal coordination bodies for cost optimization through joint planning, design and construction of all public infrastructure. In addition demonstration projects are key to the advancement of new technologies and new project financing schemes.