
01 Sep 2021


9:30 am - 11:00 am

WEBINAR: “How to make national CAP Strategic Plans to deliver climate ambition in Central Eastern Europe?”

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European decision makers finalised negotiations on the post-2022 CAP reform. While the post-2022 CAP has shortcomings in terms of accelerating emissions reductions in the agriculture sector, Member States can still increase the climate ambition of the post-2022 CAP through well designed national strategic plans.  

Member States are currently drafting their national CAP Strategic Plans that should be finalised and delivered to the European Commission by the end of 2021. The CAP Strategic Plans should become a tool to effectively steer the agriculture sector in the direction of the Green Deal’s objectives. To do that, Member States should mainstream sustainable farming practices in their CAP Strategic Plans and increase climate, nature and animal friendly farming practices through effective support.

Given the crucial importance of CAP Strategic Plans to increase climate ambition in the agriculture sector, in this webinar we will discuss how these plans can be steered towards climate friendly policies and what their co-benefits can be for the rural areas in Central and Eastern Europe. The webinar will also try to answer questions on how to boost broader societal dialogue about the role of agriculture in climate neutral just and fair economies.


9:30 Welcome

9:35 Ricard Ramon I Sumoy, Deputy Head of Unit – Policy Perspectives, DG Agriculture and Rural Development

9:50 Célia Nyssens, European Environmental Bureau

10:00 National inputs on CAP Strategy Plans:

  • Prof. Zbigniew Karaczun, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Polish Climate Coalition 
  • Uroš Brankovič, Center for Sustainable Rural Development Kranj, Slovenia

10:20 Q & A, discussion

10:30 Breakout groups to discuss joint challenges in the process of drafting the national CAP Strategy Plans

10:50 Summary

Facilitation: Tobias Reichert, Germanwatch

DISCLAIMER: This event has received funding from the European Commission’s LIFE Programme and is a part of the European Climate Initiative (EUKI) of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU).

The information and views that will be set out in this event do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the European Commission and the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU).