
22 Nov 2021


3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Webinar Invitation: Role of national long term strategies to reach climate neutrality

Under the Governance Regulation, Member States are supposed to develop their national long-term strategies (nLTS) with a perspective of at least 30 years and submit them to the European Commission by 1 January 2020. These strategies – unfortunately a number of them are still missing– should play an important role in developing the national pathways towards climate neutrality and ensuring consistency between short and longer-term policies at national level.

In this webinar, we will hear from DG Clima representative Tom van Ierland, the European Commission’s perspective and assessment of the submitted long- term strategies. CAN Europe members will also share their own assessment of opportunities and gaps in national long-term climate strategies and discuss which “lessons learned” could be used in countries that still need to prepare their long-term strategies.



* Tom van Ierland, DG Clima, The European Commission

* Teodóra Dönsz-Kovács, MTVSZ Hungary

* Ana Marquez, SEO/Birdlife Spain

* Wojciech Szymalski, ISD Foundation Poland

* Harriet Mackaill-Hill, CAN Europe