Source / Reference:
Past data: Eurostat (
The targets are to be found in the PPE (French NECP).
Remarks/ Comments: France is aiming to reduce its final energy consumption by 20% in 2030 compared to 2012. Its 2015 Multiannual Energy Plan (PPE) set an intermediate goal of -7% in 2018, but this was postponed to 2023 in the Energy and Climate Act of November 2019.
Final energy is the energy that is consumed, taking into account losses during production, transport and transformation. It may be direct (heating, use of electronic devices, car travel, etc.) or indirect, for the production of goods or services for human consumption. The data are adjusted for climate variations and do not take into account international bunker fuel (i.e. the quantities of fuel used by ships or aircraft for international transport purposes).
Compared to the 2019 trajectory
Final energy consumption in 2019
NECP Trajectory for 2019