On 12 May a CEE regional event on restructuring of coal regions and roles of local communities and trade unions within this process took place. At the event we discussed the importance of timely [...]
On 18 and 19 May 2021, Centre for Transport and Energy (CDE) and CAN Europe together organized an interactive online workshop Cultivating Just Transition in Central and Eastern Europe. The main [...]
CDE published the report "Zapojujeme města do klimatických řešení" (Involving Municipalities in Climate Solutions) to support outreach to their work on the Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans.
The observatory of the regional French climate and energy targets is a tool that was developed by RAC France.
It aims to make a state of play and show the level at which the climate and energy [...]
On Wednesday 24th February 2021, 35 participants from municipalities, energy and development agencies, public administration, business and NGOs participated in the workshop “The role of [...]
We are launching the report on 3rd of December from 10-11 am, in the context of the Right to Energy Forum. For more information and registration, click HERE.
In this event, speakers from the [...]
More than 40 participants from 7 countries, including NGOs, representatives of governments, private sector, universities and energy agencies, discussed the importance of participatory processes [...]
The workshop “Participatory processes in development and implementation of climate and energy strategies” will provide knowledge on how to implement participatory processes that can be [...]
On the 15th of May 2020, the workshop on the participatory process for just transition planning took place for Estonian stakeholders. The workshop concentrated on how to design a participatory [...]