NEW REPORT shows why national Climate Laws are essential for climate neutrality in Europe

The UNIFY consortium, together with other CAN Europe members and partners, publishes today “Climate Laws in Europe – essential for achieving climate neutrality”. The report, which takes stock of the situation of national climate laws in 17 European countries – also beyond EU borders – has three main goals: Providing easy access to anyone that […]

Long-term Climate Planning in Central Eastern European Countries

In September 2021, UNIFY partners have published a detailed assessment of national-long term strategies in European countries. Building on this, Central Eastern European NGOs from Czechia, Estonia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia came together to look into best practices from six Central Eastern European Member States and draw recommendations for the region. This new briefing “Long-term […]

Forget me not: National strategies to reach climate neutrality are still missing

According to the Governance Regulation, Member States are required to prepare national long-term strategies to present their climate and energy transition pathway with a perspective of at least 30 years. Despite the deadline for submission being 1 January 2020, still seven countries’ national strategies are missing and the timeline for the European Commission’s assessment is […]

Czech climate policies: words lost in the wind (Czech)

In this report Center for Transport and Energy, Czech partner of the Unify project, and other NGOs assess Czechia's 2030 and long term climate policies and their implementation.  The report also makes recommendations for industry, energy, waste management, and the Just Transition of coal regions to achieve higher climate target and implement better policies. The report calls upon the Czech government to not to block the increase of the EU's 2030 climate target increase as it is needed to protect citizens from the worsening impacts of climate change.